The Doorworm Cycle

Just a prick, and then you’re mine. My host until the day you
The sting will hurt, but not for long, and after that we’ll
get along.
Because our venom will not harm the ones we wish to live upon.
And once I’m anchored to your flesh, you won’t
consider me a pest.
I’ll open doors, hold drinks for you, I’ll even
help you tie your shoes.
I’ll share my happiness with you, make you immune to fleas
and flu.
On fruits and vegetables I dine, your diet now will be like mine.
I’ll live my life attached to you, like white on rice, or gum
on shoes.
Since others might find me a threat, I’ll act as though
I’m just your pet.
And you’ll think too, I chance to bet, that you rule our
Your will of course is still your own, but don’t forget,
you’re not alone.
You’ll think they’re yours, those new ideas, your
newfound love of soya beans.
And to your friends, you’ll testify, they too need doorworms
by their side.
You’ll speak of me in highest terms, your dearest, loyal,
It’s natural, you’ll say to them, to have a worm as
your best friend.
And when they see how close we are, they won’t resist the
call for long.
They’ll be like us before the end, doorworms and hosts. How
And those who still are not convinced, their wormless lives are quite
the pits,
They too, are destined, in their day, to be a lonely
doorworm’s prey.
Some day, while dozing on a lawn, a doorworm jabs them while they yawn.
They’ll yelp at first, try to resist, but a
doorworm’s sting’s a fateful tryst.
The venom joins them like a kiss, the host’s pain quickly
turns to bliss.
With host and worm now bound by blood, the host falls in annelid love.
And then the new host leaves for town, shares with the wormless what
it’s found.
That’s how the doorworm cycle flows. Soon, none of you shall
be alone.

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The background art is the fine work of Icarus. Please
check out her awesome webcomic.
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