Bonito Mussolini
In post World War I Italy, socialism rapidly grew in
were disappointed with the state of post war Italy; territories such as
Trentino and Dalmatia which were promised to be rewarded to Italy after
victory were denied and remained independent or were put under the
jurisdiction of the League of Nations. Italy’s banks were
drained of gold and the nation was deeply in debt. (“
Bonito Mussolini”)
Bonito Mussolini was born in 1883 to a middle class anarchist family.
His father, a blacksmith, encouraged him to disobey authority, and he
quickly gained a reputation for insubordinance and bullying at his
church and school, which he was soon expelled from.
In his 20’s, Mussolini became an editor and writer for a
socialist newspaper. He had adopted a liking for socialism, but the
views he expressed in his articles had a tendency to shift to suit the
atmosphere of his audience. This strategy of “shifting
sand” doctrine would later allow Mussolini to preserve his
popularity though changing political climates. In his editorials,
Mussolini called for an Italian leader who was “ruthless and
energetic enough to make a clean sweep”, and hinted that he
may in fact be that leader. (
Modern History “Bonito
Despite being a popular writer for his local socialist newspaper, he
was ridiculed by the Italian Socialist Party for supporting
Italy’s involvement in World War I on the side of the allies.
Mussolini left his newspaper, was called into the Italian Army, and
participated in World War I for three years. Mussolini saw little
combat action, but kept a war journal in which he imagined himself as a
war hero. After an injury caused his early return home, he met up with
other former socialist party members.
The Socialist Party split over the issue of Italy’s
involvement of World War I, the pro-war partisans formed a new group
called the Milan Fascio, the forerunner of the Fascist Party. The idea of Fascio comes from the Roman
Fasces, a symbol of an ax bound in sticks which alone are weak, but
together are strong. Fascio is also the Italian word for
“group” or “league”. Once a
hardline socialist, Mussolini went on to declare that
“Socialism is a fraud, a comedy, a phantom, a
blackmail.”, and that “Fascism is the complete
opposite of Marxian style socialism.” (
Future Fund: 'The Doctrine of Facism”)
In to avoid being overthrown in a civil war between the
Socialists and Fascists, Italian King Victor Emmanuel III invited
Mussolini to Rome to become the Prime Minister of Italy in 1922. Though
King Emmanuel essentially gave up power by allowing Mussolini to
appoint a cabinet stacked with Fascist Party members, he preserved his
future freedom by avoiding a coup. Fascist propaganda would glorify
Mussolini and his army’s journey to Rome to meet with Victor
Emmanuel as the “March on Rome”, but sources
indicate that the fascists may have actually took a train for most of
the journey. (
Thinkquest, “The March to Rome”)
Despite his previously communicated atheistic world view and continued
irreligious behavior, Mussolini was quick to make allies of the
Catholic church by compensating Pope Pious XIV for the the loss of the
Papal States dissolved during the unification of Italy. He also wrote
and signed the Latrine Pact, a treaty which re-established the Vatican
as an independent state with the Pope as its leader. These moves won
him support from the Italian Popular Party, an influential sector of
the voting population he had failed to secure in his previous attempts
to gain power.
In Parliament, Mussolini said “I affirm here that the Latin
and imperial tradition of Rome today are represented by
Catholicism… …the Italian state should certainly
furnish the Vatican with material aid; those material facilities for
schools, churches, hospitals and so forth…”, while
only years before, he publicly debated with Swiss clergymen before a
Socialist audience, arguing that God did not exist. (
Time: “Bonito
a Christian?”)
Mussolini immediately began to promote Fascism as a system which
benefited the people and the prosperity of Italy. Using techniques he
perfected in his years as a newspaper writer and editor, he created the
myth of Fascist super-productivity and efficiency. One example of this
propaganda was the idea that Mussolini made the Italian rail network
run on schedule. Posters for Italian Railroads depicted Mussolini as an
Atlas-like figure handing new passenger cars and faster locomotives to
the Italian people. In actuality, most of the renovations to
Italy’s railroads had already been complete by the time
Mussolini took power in 1922, and the improvements had little to do
with the Fascist Party. (
Snopes: Loco
Other posters hailed Mussolini’s Italy as a return to the
glory of the Roman Empire. After a brutal invasion of Ethiopia, a new
series of posters superimposed Il Duce’s face over the
African continent, proclaiming “Italy finally has
it’s empire!”
Big business owners worried about a communist take over warmly welcomed
Fascism. In Mussolini’s new system each industry was
represented by an assembly dubbed a corporation. The corporation also
took over the role of the workers unions, which meant that workers
rights issues could only be discussed with the companies that employed
the workers to begin with, and the conditions of workers gradually
worsened to the benefit of the business owners. Regarding his new
system, Mussolini said, “Fascism should more appropriately be
called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government
power.” (
Quotes: Mussolini)
The Fascist propaganda machine also promoted
“Battle” campaigns aimed at rapidly advancing the
technologically backwards and economically crippled post war Italy. The
“Battle for Births” aimed to double
Italy’s population, and the “Battle for
Gold” was a voluntary hand in of gold jewelry to the Italian
treasury to be melted into coins. Participants were rewarded with iron
armbands bearing the text “Gold for the
Fatherland”. The disastrous “Battle for
Wheat” campaign tried to dramatically increase
Italy’s self sufficiency by expanding wheat production. Land
better suited for other crops was taken over for wheat growth, which
resulted in a poor grain harvest and a sacristy in the crops that could
have been planted instead of wheat. (Euronet: Mussolini)
After more then a decade as Italy’s dictator, Mussolini
became allies with Adolf Hitler of Germany to form the Axis, which the
Empire of Japan joined soon after. Fascist Italy fought the Allies and
was generally unsuccessful on all fronts. Fascist Statesman (and former
friend of Mussolini) Dino Grandi successfully demanded the king to
revoke power from Mussolini, and the dictator was arrested and locked
up while Marshal Pietro Badgolio negotiated an official surrender with
the Allies.
Mussolini was rescued by the Germans and placed as the puppet leader of
the “Italian Social Republic”, the north-easetern
corridor of Italy controlled by Germany. While attempting to flee to
Austria with several of his ISR officers, Mussolini was captured by
Italian anti-faciast partisans and executed. His body was hung at an
Esso gas station in Mezzegra Italy on April 27, 1945. (Mussolini in the
World War. The Journalist, the Soldier, the Fascist. Berg, Oxford and
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